Please carefully read the information below

The list of accepted posters presentations is available on the Poster Sessions webpage.

There are two sessions for poster presentations, each two hours long: 12:00 to 14:00 on Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 August 2023. During these times there will be many delegates walking around the Hall and you are therefore required to be present to discuss your poster with any delegates that are interested to know more.

The poster numbers, corresponding to numbered boards at the congress venue, are allocated and published on the Poster Sessions webpage.

Set up and take down schedule

Material has to be posted to the boards on Monday 21 August 2023 between 12:30 and 16:00 before the Exhibits Opening Party, which takes place in the Exhibition Hall.

If you choose to register with day registrations, you do not need to register for the set-up day (Monday 21 August).

The posters should remain on display until Thursday 24 August 2023 and ideally should be removed between 14:00 and 15:00 on that day, at the latest.

There is no storage space and therefore any handouts, leaflets or other material that is not fixed to the board should be brought with you on the Poster Session days.

Poster Board Specifications

Poster Board Sizes


  • The available poster boards are 950mm wide and 2250mm high portrait style.
  • For printed posters, the standard poster size of DIN A0 841mm wide x 1189mm high is the minimum size.
  • It is recommended that a printed poster be no larger than 900mm wide and 1900mm high. If you are using photographs, graphics and pieces of text, these should also fit within the area of 900mm wide and 1900mm high.
  • Posters have to be fixed onto the boards by means of double-faced adhesive tape, which will be provided on site.

Preparing your poster

Posters are a combination of content and appearance. The content must be interesting, professional, and appealing to a broad audience. The appearance of the posters should be attractive, with a combination of graphics, photographs, and text. The presenters of posters often make available to delegates handouts: leaflets containing more information, printed pamphlets, or other types of material for distribution, which might explain or promote the contents of the poster. It is important to bring reasonable quantities of these handouts, and note that free copying facilities are not provided by the congress.

“Best IFLA Poster” and “People’s choice Poster 2023”

“Best IFLA Poster 2023”

Poster sessions will be monitored by the Professional Committee’s jury to check on the efficiency and utility of the model for presenting information to the library community during the Congress. They will also select a winner of the “Best IFLA Poster 2023” which will be awarded during the Closing Session on Thursday 24 August 2023.


“People’s Choice Poster 2023”

All posters will be made available online on the conference digital platform for audience voting (for both, onsite and online participants). We will invite all conference participants, to vote for the best poster of “People’s Choice Poster 2023”.

Therefore, each presenter is expected to send a .pdf file of its own Poster with the final Abstract (200 words) by 28 July to: [email protected]

The winner of the “People’s Choice Poster 2023” will be announced during the Closing Session on Thursday 24 August 2023 and will receive a certificate of recognition. Please complete the online Authors’ permission form as publication of this material can not proceed until this form is submitted.

Posters in the IFLA Repository

After the conference your presented Poster & Abstract will be transferred & published in the IFLA Repository:

Please note:

  • All presenters submitting a digital poster are required to complete the online Authors’ permission form with the accurate details of their posters.
  • Only presented posters will be published in the IFLA Repository


See published Posters of the 2022 Conference in the IFLA Repository.



Photos from previous WLIC poster sessions:

Best IFLA poster 2009-2022: